HK Proshop : For the Heckler and Koch Enthusiast

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Recent content by HKADMIN


    New Forum Added!

    When you have finally caught up and finished reading the many thousands of posts that we have here (and we do encourage that o_O). Head over to the new forum that we call 'Beyond HK'. Here you can talk about your hobbies and interests and really get to know one another. We are fortunate to...

    Did you know?

    You can choose from several header designs. Select the customize icon on the right side of the navigation bar Try it out, let us know what you think - what's your favorite?

    Multiple Quotes Demonstrated

    Referencing multiple quotes when replying within a thread is easy - works across multiple threads too!

    Announcing the Paid Membership

    In an effort to eliminate spam in the Marketplace while maximizing the quality of content for sale, we are requiring a yearly paid membership of $50 to create ‘Want to Sell’ threads. Long gone are the days of requiring an arbitrary number of posts necessary to participate in the for-sale...

    Forum Launch

    Welcome to the HK Proshop--- built for and by Heckler and Koch enthusiasts. This forum was designed to be an exceptionally informative platform for the dissemination of all matters HK. The combined knowledge and experience of the contributing members and staff are unparalleled. We welcome new...